Artist Agreement
Artwork Display
The Artist agrees that the displayed artwork follows Stay Gallery’s requirements and content guidelines. Artist further agrees to have their artwork on display to the public for the full duration of the exhibition, as determined by Stay Gallery, unless other arrangements are discussed and agreed upon.
Artwork Drop Off & Pick Up
The Artist agrees to drop off and pick up their artwork on the provided dates, as determined by Stay Gallery. Stay Gallery will not be liable for any damage or loss to artwork that is left in Stay Gallery’s possession after the determined pick up date.
Artwork Sales
Seventy percent (70%) of all artwork, print and merchandise sales will be paid to the artist. All prints or merchandise of the artwork being displayed must be sold through Stay Gallery for the duration of the exhibition. Please do not submit artwork that you are currently selling prints or merchandise of through your own personal platform, unless other arrangements are discussed and agreed upon.
Displayed artwork will be insured for the sale price while in Stay Gallery’s possession. Insuring artwork during transit to and from Stay Gallery for drop off and pick up is the sole responsibility of the artist. Although all reasonable care will be taken to ensure a safe environment for displayed artwork, please keep in mind that Stay Gallery is a community space that does not have a museum-grade controlled environment.
Likeness & Appearance
The Artist and the displayed artwork may be included in recordings, streaming, photographs and/or videos. The Artist agrees to have their name, biography, artist statement, and any written content or images submitted to Stay Gallery used for marketing purposes and display during the duration of the exhibition. The Artist also agrees to have their name, face, likeness and appearance used in advertising and promotion related to Stay Gallery.
The Artist acknowledges the contagious nature of COVID-19 and that an inherent risk of exposure exists in any public place where people are present, including Stay Gallery. The Artist further acknowledges that although Stay Gallery has taken all preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19, there may be a risk of becoming infected as a result of the actions or negligence of themselves (Artist) and others.
Waiver, Release & Hold Harmless
The Artist agrees to release, waive and hold harmless Stay Gallery and its respective departments, partners, sponsors, directors, officers, representatives, members, agents, contractors, subcontractors and employees (hereinafter collectively “Stay Gallery”) from all liability, claims, penalties, costs, losses, damages, expenses or judgements (including attorney’s fees and costs) resulting from illness, injury, death or damage to themselves (Artist), any visitor, third parties or personal property of any kind in any way connected directly or indirectly to the Artist’s use of Stay Gallery, whether caused by Stay Gallery’s active or passive negligence or otherwise. This excludes the displayed artwork which will be insured for the sale price while in Stay Gallery’s possession (see Liability).