Stay Arts

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Family Paint Day & Walk Downey

On Saturday, October 19, 2019, I had the opportunity to volunteer with Stay Gallery for their “Family Paint Day” and “Walk Downey” events.

Family Paint Day

Families from the community came to participate in a painting session at the gallery called “Family Paint Day”. Both children and parents got to express their creativity on their canvases and enjoy a relaxing early afternoon together with complimentary snacks, drinks and festive Halloween masks. The workshop was lead by the very friendly and talented instructor, Amanda Santos, and it was amusing to see how everyone was so immersed in the activity as they followed along with her.

I enjoyed seeing how everyone’s personalities shined through in their painting from the usage of different colors, shapes and background details. I also loved seeing how each parent and child’s painting turned out to be so unique and charming in their own way. This little workshop is a great way for families to spend time and have some fun together through art, while also introducing more locals to the gallery as a creative and welcoming space.

I’m glad I got to help out and hope that all the families and any new guests are looking forward to the next one.

Walk Downey

Along with the “Family Paint Day” event, there was also the “Walk Downey” interactive exhibition. This is an exhibition where people from the community are able to help with the development of the City of Downey’s pedestrian plan. They would do so by sharing their experience in getting around the city and what places in Downey they would like to be more accessible. I took the opportunity on Saturday to add my own string to the exhibit and share my thoughts.

I think this is a very fun way of gathering data and hearing what the community thinks about the city’s walkways. It certainly makes it a lot more appealing for people to participate so that the right improvements can be made for the benefit of the community.